Dear Shit-Head Butch:


New member
Sep 21, 2004
This is an official legal notice requesting that you please stick your threats up your ass.
Visiting an open web site that is open to the public is NOT trespassing by any stretch of the imagination (and we all know how vivid your imagination can get when you're off your meds). Should you act on your threat to contact my ISP and to report me for abuse for merely visiting your web site then you will be charged with harassment and be buried in a shit storm that you'll wish you never brought upon yourself. This official legal notice is to inform you that I am a citizen of the Unites States, and not Red China or North Korea or Iraq, and that as an American citizen I have the right to view whatever web sites I want to. Your lies, accusations, harassment, and slander will all become an issue in whatever legal action I take against you. And as a citizen I will continue to excersize my right to read and to debate the content of what you post on the internet.

In other words: you don't scare me. Have a nice day.

Your's truly, your secret admirer.

PS go **** yourself.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
u need a shrink amigo. mebbe our shrink will help u.

¡Eres como un pequeño pajaro...Todo boca y nada de cerebro!
good old butch wordplay, with assorted spanish.

so banned, why ya want butch to go ****(star) himself?

Na, dont tell me, i already read through your post.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

So Sherlock, you read through four posts and about 60 words and figured out all by your lonesome that ninajturtle is Butch.


Now Einstein, explain to me how ninajturtle escaped the filter ban on the alleged 23 Butch clones. Huh?


Minnow is Butch too.
So is Grandfather.
So is Major
So is Devil.

They all are Butch because one of them banned you. Of course Butch was behind that, right, Nuthouse? The moderators there couldn't have possibly done it because you shot off your mouth nonstop about Butch Butch Butch the whole time.

Either you're staff here and know something a regular poster wouldn't know, you're getting fed info by them, or you're just plain DUMB!

Any of those ways make you stupid. I'd bet on the last one.

I have news for you:

You're probably going to lose your Verizon access in a week or less, for your DENIAL OF SERVICE attacks on Lifesabet. They've been logged by the host and by Lifesabet. I don't know if the host will prosecute or not.

You've already lost your mind long ago.

There isn't a thing that you can do about it, despite all the big man talk about how you're going to do this and do that. All you can do is what you have been: talk talk talk.

You can't do shit.

The four of us are laughing so hard on Yahoo voice conference at your lame bellowing that we've all had to get away from the keyboard, take a break, and get some fresh air. Twice in my case.

And guess what, fruitcake?

You can bellow and scream about Butch and whoever else has wounded your neurotic little mind.

But you can't shout loud enough to drown out those voices in your head.

You know the ones.

The ones that say: "I AM A LOSER!"


Good thread.

Makes me feel good that I am not a part of it.

Especially that part where the four Butchies IM each other and laugh out loud about the fact that someone wants to visit their ghost town of a site.

That is pretty funny when you think about it...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If he was to contact your ISP, they would laugh at him, and then tell him:

If you don't want someone visiting your site, you can ban his IP from your webserver. If he has a dynamic IP, you can go ahead and make the choice to block the entire range of IP's that ISP gives out (yes, some websites ban all AOL users for this reason). By no circumstances is the Banned4Life's ISP's problem unless he is violating his ISP's Terms of Service.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
By the way, great investigative work, Banned. I don't even have an opinion on Butch (I just ignored 95% of his whole life at the RX except for a few wrestling threads), but I just enjoy watching liars get exposed.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
>You're probably going to lose your Verizon access in a week or less, for your DENIAL OF SERVICE attacks on Lifesabet. They've been logged by the host and by Lifesabet. I don't know if the host will prosecute or not.

So now Butch's puppet claims that I'm doing denial of service attacks on his web site. Boy it must hurt like hell when Butch sticks his hand up your ass to make your lips move!
I wouldn't even know HOW to pull of a DOS attack if I wanted to. Should you attempt to harass me or my internet provider by lying about me or falsely claiming that I broke the law, Lifesabet will be subject to legal action in civil court. You are already guilty of harassment and libel for even making such a claim. And if you think you can do whatever you want because you're hiding down in costa rica... think again. I know that Butch and his puppet live in the United States. Keep breaking the law and see where it gets you.

And besides, once MY ISP determines that there are no DOS attacks coming from this end, they'll tell you to go **** yourself just like I did.
They have been warned that there's a psychotic that is harassing and threatening me. And I might just take up this harassment with YOUR ISP.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
>So Sherlock, you read through four posts and about 60 words and figured out all by your lonesome that ninajturtle is Butch.

That's all it took to show it. Sure wouldn't be the first time Butch ****ed up and got caught. Troll rejected, try again.

>Now Einstein, explain to me how ninajturtle escaped the filter ban on the alleged 23 Butch clones. Huh?

Butch has said before that he knows how to evade such bans, by using proxies and anonymizers. Troll rejected, try again.

>The moderators there couldn't have possibly done it because you shot off your mouth nonstop about Butch Butch Butch the whole time.

Gee, Butch, does that remind you of someone?
A certain someone who shoots off his mouth about Peep Peep Peep (and his Evil Conspirators)? Troll rejected, try again.

>Either you're staff here and know something a regular poster wouldn't know, you're getting fed info by them, or you're just plain DUMB!

So I'm staff, or being fed info, so I know something that you claim isn't even true. If the ghost was NOT Butch, as you claim, then my being "on the staff" or "fed information" would mean that I would know for sure that the ghost wasn't him. Troll rejected, try again.

>There isn't a thing that you can do about it, despite all the big man talk about how you're going to do this and do that. All you can do is what you have been: talk talk talk.

Pot kettle black. Troll rejected, try again.

>You can't do shit.

You must think that I CAN, or you wouldn't be spewing baseless accusations and empty threats. Troll rejected, try again.

>The four of us are laughing so hard on Yahoo voice conference at your lame bellowing that we've all had to get away from the keyboard, take a break, and get some fresh air.

Sort of like the Board Room when the subject of Butch is brought up. Troll rejected, try again.

>But you can't shout loud enough to drown out those voices in your head.

And who would know better about head voices than Butch? Troll rejected, try again.

>The ones that say: "I AM A LOSER!"


And the voices in Butch's head scream out "MY FORUM SUCKS!" And then thinks he can get rid of those voices by creating a bunch of ghosts to talk to. Guess what... it didn't work. Troll rejected, try again.

And while I have your undivided attention, maybe you can explain to everyone how you and Butch can claim on various forums that I refused my opportunity to defend myself on your forum last Thursday, while showing in a post at your forum that the screen name was indeed created by me on that day, and later banned. You make it too easy to catch you lying and use your own words to show that you're a lying psycho. Keep digging Butch... when you hit Australia tell the folks at Canbet I said hello (or is it g'day?).

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Butch said the logs haven't shown you on his site all day, fruitcake.

That means one of two things:

1) Verizon shut your service off.

2) Verizon warned you to stop and you're now using some other way to "keep in touch".

Or maybe you couldn't stand the voices anymore and killed yourself.

Either way, you're out of the picture. Lifesabet doesn't want you, MW doesn't want you, and you're confined to the Cuckoo farm here with all the other nuts.

Here's a question you should know a lot about: How many points do you need at contract bridge to open One No Trump?
James K,

12,000 members here & we are all nuts, but you are fine huh? imagine the odds of that.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
You're wrong on all counts. I just figured, if you left me alone, I'd leave you alone. But those voices in your head must've been giving you a migrane, telling you to keep posting messages flaming those "evil conspirators" that are out to get you. Admit it, you're so obsessed with me and mentally unbalanced (not to mention paranoid) that you couldn't even go a full day without posting some blabbering flame aimed at me, even after I've shown you that I have no more interest in you (at least as long as you can keep your trigger finger from hitting the send button). You CAN be victorious over those head voices... it just takes a little willpower (and medication).

Why haven't I been to your loser forum today? For one thing, as I mentioned before, I'm trying to make a good faith effort to steer clear of you. I've already shown everyone your true colors. And besides... there's nothing at your loser forum to read. A thread with a couple of posts about Elizabeth Smart's kidnappers, a slander thread aimed at Peep (even though you were smart enough not to name him), and Butch's blathering about how he's gonna tell Verizon that I'm Kevin Mitnick. And the e-horse contest where you get 4 or 5 losers who are desperate for an extra 10 bucks to play horses with. Hell, there are more posts in this one thread than you've gotten on your whole loser forum all week. I almost feel sorry for you, having to talk to yourself just so you can tell everyone that you're a Big Shot Forum Administrator. And, I've been busy the last couple of days cleaning out a house full of collectables and antique furniture, which will probably make me about 5 grand at the auction.

I won't be visiting your web site any longer, not because you scare me at all, but because it's a big fat waste of the 5 seconds that it requires. Any further attemps by you to contact me, or threaten me either by email or forum postings, will be considered harassment and dealt with as such. I've complied with your request to not visit your site, but you have chosen to continue to harass me, which shows your lack of good faith and that your word is worthless. The fact that you've threatened me, and are clearly deranged, gives me reason to fear that you are liable to cause physical harm to me. Intervention by legal authorities (and mental health professionals) may be necessary should your threats and harassment continue.

If I were you I'd quit while I wasn't too far behind.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
And to answer your question, I don't play bridge so I wouldn't know. Ask Butchie... he's the one who made up the name. Back in mid-December, before I even heard of your so-called forum. Funny how first you tried to claim that the thread was a "fabrication", and then when you realized that too many others saw it, now claim that it was me all along. Spin fails, try again.

And by the way, I just paid a quick visit to your loser forum. That is what's known as a "virtual middle finger". Boy I sure hope the Verizon man doesn't come and cut my phone wire. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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